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SCIT Governmental Update 3-17-20
3/17/2020 4:36:00 PM - Public Relations

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March 18, 2020 

Respected Tribal Members & Associates, 

Tribal Council takes the health and well-being of all its members and associates very seriously. We have been monitoring the pandemic coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and making the necessary decisions that will ensure we remain as healthy as we can during this immediate and ongoing challenge. 

We made the decision to temporarily close the Soaring Eagle Casino & Resort, Saganing Eagles Landing Casino & Hotel, The Slot Palace & Bingo Hall and Soaring Eagle Waterpark & Hotel to eliminate exposure and interaction of both our associates and our guests. Tuesday, March 17, 2020 we passed a motion to provide Administrative Leave to all Tribal government employees beginning Monday, March 23, 2020 until at least Monday, April 6, 2020. We sincerely hope we will be able to resume normal operations by that point. These are precautionary measures that we hope will assist with the control and containment of this virus. 

All essential service departments will remain open to provide member services. We remain committed to you and hope you and your families remain well through these trying times. 

Please see the back side of this letter for tribal department contact information. 


Tim J. Davis