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Tree Giveaway - TODAY
5/17/2023 8:43:00 AM - Planning

Join us for a Tree Giveaway on Wednesday, May 17th!


The Planning department and the Environmental team are hosting a Free Tree Giveaway starting at 10:30 am at the SCIT Tribal Housing Garage (2451 Nish Na Be Anong Rd).


As a community, we can work together to plant trees to improve our Tribal land and water health by providing habitat for wildlife, improving air quality, capturing and purifying stormwater runoff, and reducing climate change impacts while also promoting community involvement and environmental awareness.


The 2023 Tree List includes the following species: Wild Black Cherry, Eastern Redbud, Sugar Maple, Tuliptree, Sycamore, White Paper Birch, Gray Dogwood, Elderberry, American Larch/Tamarack, White Cedar, and White Pine.


For more information, please contact Katie Hager via phone: 989.775.4858 or email: or contact Planning department staff at 989.775.4014

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