4th and 5th 2002 Soaring Eagle Casino
and Resort Mt. Pleasant MI
Hosted by the Nimkee Memorial Wellness Center and
The Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan
should attend] [Registration]
[Schedule of Events] [Distinguished
Speakers] [Soaring
EagleCasino& Resort]
[Mid Michigan Information] [Directions]
should Attend
Our goal is to bring the latest in diabetes
information to all health care providers. Anyone who
provides care to diabetic clients is invited. This includes
Physicians, Pharmacists, Nurse Practitioners, Physician
Assistants, Nurses, Diabetic Educators, Dietitians,
Health Educators, Pharmacy or Dental Technicians, and
anyone interested in learning more about Diabetes. A
variety of topics will be offered. Pending prior approval
CME's & CEU's will be available.
For more information: email Sue
Sowmick (click here) or call 1-800-225-8172, ext.
54683 if you want us to mail you a brochure. (top)
The registration fee covers the cost
of all sessions, credits, and meals. Meals will be served
by Soaring Eagle Resort, including dinner on Friday,
continental breakfast and lunch on Saturday. A reduced
rate is available for full-time students. Guests may
be included in meals for $40 each.
Cancellation Policy: A full refund will be available
prior to September 4th. An administration fee of $15.00
will be deducted if cancellation occurs after September
5th. After October 1st refunds will not be available.
Allow 3-4 weeks for refunds. (top)
Eagle Resort
This beautiful 4 star Resort has an elegant
conference center with excellent amenities. It is connected
to the Soaring Eagle casino with all of its entertainment
available. The resort has an indoor pool and wonderful
spa. Child care is available next to the center at Kids
Quest during the afternoon and evening hours. First
class rooms are available for Friday and Saturday at
a special rate of $71.00 per night for participants.
For more information call 1-877-232-4532 or check the
Internet at www.
soaringeaglecasino.com. To reserve a room at the
conference rate you must use the enclosed form and return
it by fax or mail, this rate is not available with phone
Michigan Information
A Mid Michigan entertainment brochure
will be mailed to you along with confirmation of your
registration. Call the Mt. Pleasant Visitors Bureau
at 1-800-772-2022 for more information on hotels, golfing,
dining & fun activities in the Central Michigan Area.
All of this information is also available at www.mountpleasantwow.com.(top)
The Soaring Eagle Conference Center is
on Leaton Road in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. From Lansing
head north on US 27. Take the second Mt. Pleasant exit
(Pickard/M20). Turn left �travel 1 mile east to Leaton
Rd. Turn right on Leaton Road and right into the first
driveway. The resort will be at the right main entrance
and the conference center is between the resort and
casino. From Saginaw take I75 north to US10. Take US
10 west to Midland. The first Midland exit (business
route) will take you into town where you turn left onto
west M20. On M20 travel about 25 miles to Leaton Road
(stoplight). Turn left on Leaton & right into Soaring
Eagle. The conference center is located between the
resort and casino. The nearest airports are Lansing
(1 hr.) and Saginaw/Tri-cities (45 minutes). Both are
served by major airlines and both have rental cars available.(top)

Of Events
Friday, October 4
12:00 Registration
1:00 Opening Ceremony / Welcome
1:30 Nutrition in Diabetes-Elizabeth Jackson
2:30 Holistic Health - Mind, Body & Spirit- Dr. Daniel
3:30 Break / Exhibits / Networking
4:00 Immunizations & Guidelines for Chronic Disease Dr.
Robert Graham
5:00 Keynote: Coping with Diabetes-Dr. Richard Rubin
6:00 Dinner (provided)
7:00 Traditional Dancers
8:00 Complementary Gaming Lessons
Saturday, October 5
7:00 Registration (Continental Breakfast)
8:00 Cardiology Update-Dr. Ellen Kehoe
9:00 Living with Diabetes-Dr. Richard Rubin
10:00 Break & Exhibit Hall Open
10:30 Medication and Diabetes-Dr. Diana Dills
11:30 Kidney Disease in Diabetics-Dr. Francis Dumler
12:30 Luncheon (provided) & Exhibit Hall Open
1:30 Herbal Health-Dr. Sara Warber
2:30 Break & Exhibit Hall Open
3:00 Neurology Update-Dr. Martin Stevens
4:00 Adolescents and Type 2 Diabetes-Dr. Doug Henry
5:00 Closing, Evaluations and Certificates
Presenting a respected international
speaker for
our keynote on Coping with Diabetes:
Dr. Richard Rubin, Ph.D. , CDE,
Joslin Diabetic Center
Dr. Diana Dills, MD
University of Colorado Endocrinology Department
Dr. Francis Dumler, MD, FACP
University of Michigan Medical Center
William Beaumont Hospital
Dr. Robert Graham, MD
Medical Director,
Central Michigan District Health Department
Dr. Doug Henry , DO
Asst. Professor of Physiology
College of Human Medicine, Dept. of Pediatrics, MSU
Dr. Ellen Kehoe, DO
Thoracic Cardiovascular Institute
Elizabeth Jackson, MS, RD
Consulting Dietician
Dr. Daniel Radawski, MD, PhD
Nimkee Memorial Wellness Center
Dr. Martin Stevens, MD
Associate Professor, Div. Of Endocrinology & Diabetes
Department of Internal Medicine
University of Michigan Medical Center
Dr. Sara Warber
Co-director of Complementary &
Alternative Medicine Research Center
University of Michigan Dept. of Family Practice